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Online training for your DSC 1

Muntjac Deer

(hover over slideshow to pause)

  • DSCTraining.org muntjac deer picture


After passing the DSC 1 – simon stimson awarded 5 stars

“Very good site, user friendly and reliable. The ability to pick up and put down my revision fitted in with the family and work.”

Muntjac deer info:

No closed season.

Does: Shoot only immature or obviously pregnant females as others may have young at any time of year

  • Antlers cast May – July
  • Does can conceive aged 7 months and can mate again days after giving birth.
  • Only shoot pregnant does as others may have a fawn.

(This info and a more in our interactive lessons)

Random Muntjac Facts

Due to the continuous breeding cycle,  a buck will mate despite having cast his antlers

(hover over thumbnails to scroll right for more videos)


Tim Matthews awarded 5 stars

“Extremely helpful compliment to the DSC1 manual and learning process. I’m extremely glad I happened across this resource before attending the DSC1 course. Please just note that regarding question 281 in the DSC1 manual (“During which month do Chinese water deer rut? “), there is no corresponding answer on the “Deer Seasons” chart.”

We are supported by the following businesses,  please follow these links to their websites.

Danum Blades Moray Outfitting
RifleMags.co.uk Danum Blades

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