07790 618 681

Welcome to DSCTraining.org

Online training for your DSC 1

Who’s got what on where?

We will feature courses being provided by different test centres across the country as we become aware of them.

The Stalking School www.stalkingschool.co.uk


We are now setting up courses subject to demand / request.  Please contact us directly to check the dates we currently have or to set up a course to suit you.

Based in Moray, North East Scotland we specialise in providing deer related training and assessment – in particular for theDSC levels 1 & 2  [visit website ] Bespoke courses available if required

Calling all training centres!

We are happy to list your courses here free of charge..

...but better still is our advertising deal.  This includes greater promotion throughout this site, features on our Facebook page and a discount for your students using our training system. give us a call to discuss the options.

We are supported by the following businesses,  please follow these links to their websites.

Danum Blades Moray Outfitting
RifleMags.co.uk Danum Blades

To advertise on this site,  please contact Steve on 07790 618 681


Tim Matthews awarded 5 stars

“Extremely helpful compliment to the DSC1 manual and learning process. I’m extremely glad I happened across this resource before attending the DSC1 course. Please just note that regarding question 281 in the DSC1 manual (“During which month do Chinese water deer rut? “), there is no corresponding answer on the “Deer Seasons” chart.”